Doohan: iTANGO


2.865,35 (preu s/IVA: 2.368,06)

1.200 W

4-5 hours


26 Ah, 48 V

Limit to 45 Km/h

Up to 70 Km

Doohan’s flagship moped is the iTANGO. A lightweight, reliable, easy and fun L1e (equivalent to a moped), ideal for people who want to start driving around the city on a moped.

It was conceived in China to be a scooter of sharing type, becoming a sales success due to its ease of driving, reliability, low maintenance and zero pollution. In addition, having a battery that is easily removable and weighing less than 10 kg, makes it an extremely practical vehicle to move around the city without vibrations or emissions.

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Scooter Doohan iTango
Doohan: iTANGO

2.865,35 (preu s/IVA: 2.368,06)